Friday, April 26, 2013

our friend Dan

We like acting in our friend Dan Margarita’s videos.

Dan writes some pretty funny and cool songs.

Dan cast us in this video for his song, Carol Merrell.
I was miscast, as a cop. Love the blend of black and white and color in this one.

It all started for us with this one, Stitches and Nudity. We spent a great day working on this one with a gaggle of our friends.

Yours in video madness
Count Robot

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Questioning the DNA Girl

A brief interview conducted with DNA Girl from Astro Al on the winding road…
Count Robot: What would you say is your biggest influence on Astro Al?
DNA Girl: Monty Python, 60’s avent garde movement, Robyn Hitchcock and the Three Stooges. We’ve been compared to the Bonzo Dog Band.
Count Robot: What is your view of playing live verses playing a song in the recording studio?
DNA Girl: More nervous live, more relaxed in the studio. Love the audience reactions but playing in the studio we can experiment more.
Count Robot: What’s your favorite live gig we’ve ever done?
DNA Girl: The Landing Pad in Philadelphia. We had a ball there and people seemed to get us there.
Count Robot:  What was your favorite recording experience?
DNA Girl: The thing that stands out the most to me are the videos we made. Some of the most interesting things is when we are recording against other peoples music like when Joe Davis (from Harts Horn) or Brian Fowler (from Spaceseed) contributed music.
Count Robot: Which video is your favorite?
DNA Girl: Hands down, You’re Dead, So Shut Up, had a ball doing that one. Rio Santos was a hoot too. It was fun not having to play the straight character. It’s been fun having our friends in these videos. It’s turned into an extension of our old theater group.
Count Robot: Where do you get your inspiration?
DNA Girl: A lot of is from crazy dreams, like the song Cocoa Clouds Hides the Chocolate Dimension. I just woke up one day with that phrase in my head and Rodney the Rodent Roadster was based on a dream.

Your correspondent,
Count Robot

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ghost Story

Many of the best horror stories leave it to the reader to fill in the gaps and use the darkest parts of their own imaginations to fully develop the terror of the tale they are reading. The HP Lovecraft story, The Music of Erich Zann is an excellent example of this type of fiction. If you like a good creepy story and haven’t read the Music of Erich Zann than seek it out.
With our track Ghost Story we took that approach.
The idea of suggesting enough things to send the listener down many shadow filled paths.
What happened between Jack and his wife? Did he really love her and she him? Was the ghost trying to please Jack or did she want something else?
The video was shot in an impressionistic style to attempt to emphasize the gothic mood.
Some of the houses in the video are no longer standing.
The cats in the video just happened to be there while we were filming. It was an interesting coincidence to say the least.
So here it is, from Pet Noizes, our horror fiction, Ghost Story.

Supernaturally yours,
Count Robot

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dollhouse of the Damned

DNA Girl finds dolls to be creepy.
I’ve always thought that dolls are an odd and weird totem for our society. We project onto them the things we want to be and the things we fear to be and do. They are portals to our imagination.
And sometimes our imagination is a very frightening place.

From Pet Noizes here is The Dollhouse of the Damned.

Eerily yours,
Count Robot